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Jyrki Sinisalo and Mari Vallemaa

OMNIA MEA MECUM PORTO -All that is mine I carry with me

April 5, 2023
April 29, 2023

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Tuesday April 4th from 5-7 PM.


All that is mine I carry with me

Light art, installations and collages

Jyrki Sinisalo and Mari Vallemaa both work in the Roihupelto art quarter and are also members in art association Taidekortteli ry. The idea for this joint exhibition was born after visiting each others' studios.

Sinisalo and Vallemaa describe their process: "We both utilize recycled materials in our works. The name of the exhibition is an allusion to the materials "Omnia mea mecum porto - All that is mine I carry with me. Even though the premise of our work is similar, the results are often quite different. Our aim is to create visually interesting and surprising combinations and through our work engage in discussions on the possibilities that art might have in commenting on contemporary phenomena. Our exhibtition consists of light art, collages and installations in the broad sense."

Jyrki Sinisalo: Lequattrostagioni

Jyrki Sinisalo

Light and shadow are Jyrki Sinisalo's way of understanding the world. Light leaves an aesthetic footrpint. The amount of light is not important, but the aesthetic experience is. The artistic style and design of the object form the center of the work. At best the work is multisenseory. One can see, hear and feel. The light itself is not that important but what iit creates around it.

"For me it is important that the works are in dialogue with the viewer. The mission of art is to make something visible, move and stir thoughts. I am interested in the unique lights in my works and also the aesthetic footprints. In my works the light is sophisticated and in parts delicate. It requires concentration from the viewer. In my works the whole is significant. Form comes always after light. But light always requires a form. My challenge is to find the right composition between the light and the form. Things ourside the light bring out the characteristics of the form. Light always needs an object in order to be perceived. "

Sculptural light and violin sound reminisce the artists' work history from many angles. Now it's time for the viewer to make interpretations of the artworks.

Mari Vallemaa

Mystical and in some ways strange phenomena and stories have always fascinated Mari Vallemaa and enriched her thinking all the way from childhood. While working on the joint exhibition for Laterna magica she has been reworking and rethinking herself as an artist and the artist self as a a narratological continuum. Lately she has struggled with her creative output. She has also processed for example themes such as alienation, contradiction, giving up, freeing, change and renewal. "What do I want to carry with me? What do I actually give up when letting go of something old?

Which inner thought processes would I like to deepen and make visible through my art? How can the renewal occur in my artistry? Is it possibly focusing on some detail instead of wider perspectve?"

The works of Mari Vallemaa are both a goodbye to the past and tentative steps towards a new way of expression.

Mari Vallemaas works in this exhibition are curated by theater director, photographer Inke Dahl.

Mari Vallemaa: On särkynyt sieluni kannel, 43cm x 43cm, kollaasi, 2022
Jyrki Sinisalo & Mari Vallemaa, yhteisteos: ”Kantaa varjoa - avautuu valoon” (yksityiskohta)