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Tiina Eräpuu

Verhot auki— drawings, prints and artist books

October 4, 2023
October 21, 2023

Meet the artist at the gallery on Saturday October 21st, 1-3 PM. Warm welcome!

The starting point for this exhibition has been the extension of the theme of home, which has been present in my previous work, out in to the nature. Plants, trees and stones have always been a part of my imagery. I have the joy of drawing and the desire to connect with the surrounding nature through observations and mental images. The memories serve as sketches and tools as I describe the plants in my life - and the people I associate them with. The drawings carry memories. Amur rhubarbs and crowns imperial, Tuulos spruces, poppies and apple trees, my mother's ferns and watercress. Native plants travel from the childhood home to the country landscape, to the city and to my balcony.

The journey has been long and the natural habitats have changed, some have been destroyed. The perception of the world, home and oneself changes along the way. Important moments from the past accompany me with the movement of time, albeit with changing tones. An ideaof a sketch is just the size of a pen on paper. The mark of a pen can be light and heavy at the same time. In addition to the theme, I have been thinking about the expressive power of the pencil. Even a simple line is interesting. A sketch might be enough.

Tiina Eräpuu (b.1951) is a graphic artist and illustrator from Helsinki, to whom the methods of printmaking, their combinations and the possibilities of the three-dimensional book form have long been central means of expression. Sometimes those techniques end up together as artist books. The materials, their process and the variation of the same motifs with different execution methods are shown side by side in the exhibition.

Kuvien teostiedot:

Above: Luonnoskirja/Sketchbook, 2023 (detail),pencil drawinsg as a foldable book , size ca 18 x 110  cm opened

Tiina Eräpuu CV

Tiina Eräpuu: Portti puutarhaan, 2023 (yksityiskohta) etsaus, monotypia, carborundum, ristipisto 110 x 85 cm