All exhibitions

Petra Giacomelli

Luetut ja lukemattomat, Read and Unread, book art

October 6, 2021
October 23, 2021

Petra Giacomelli's exhibition was postponed due to the pandemic from spring of 2020 to autumn of 2021.

The works in this exhibition are from a time when in Italy doors, streets and cities were closed down and people were isolated from one another. The only one with the permission to be outside was the blooming spring (of 2020).

Shapes of people in the windows and empty cities... And from the outside, many times a day the firemen with the megaphone: "State of emergency! Lockdown! Individuals must stay indoors!" On television Pope Franciscus was alone on St.Peter's Square praying in the rain for the humanity, praying for the end of the pandemic while ambulances drove by and seagulls circled around his head.

Books were lockdown companions, the printed word like a human touch. Part of these works in this exhibition refer to classics in literature. Others are like windows which one can peek through.

I was born in Helsinki. I have lived and worked in Italy since 1983 and graduated from the Art Academy in Rome. I have had several exhibitions in Italy, Finland and elsewhere in Europe.

Old books and textiles are the material for my collage paintings. Making art still has the same meaning as it had in early childhood. Drawing helped to create a space where experiences and feelings could be tackled and would fill up notebooks and sheets of paper.

In art the stories, feelings and games got a visible shape to to have dialogue with.

Petra Ciacomelli cv