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PIrjo Pesonen

Jääkellari - Ice Cellar

May 29, 2024
June 15, 2024

My exhibition Ice Cellar at Galleria Laterna Magica 29.5–15.6. 2024 focuses on the importance of ice for humanity and the ecosystem of our planet. Ice is an essential part of the natural balance of our planet, the diversity of its life and the viability of our ecosystem. As a result of the increase in the temperature of our planet, the melting of the ice will cause revolutionary and unpredictable natural disasters, if it cannot be stopped. Life on Earth is strongly dependent on ice and its preservation.

The exhibition consists of various artistic means of expression: photographs printed on aluminum, acrylic panels illuminated with LED lights, ceramic sculptures and an ice installation.

Ice is traditionally stored in the ice cellar for future use. My Ice Cellar is a metaphor for the bank vault of the future, where samples of beautiful and already lost ice are stored. With the help of aesthetics, the exhibition is subtly political. I want to awaken people to see the importance of ice not so much by appealing to knowledge and reason, but above all by artistic means. I have collected my "samples" from everyday objects: puddles, ditches, ponds, beaches and rock cuts. I focus my attention on the details, I show great and diverse beauty in the small.

Laterna Magica's fascinating Cellar Gallery space, smoothed out by the ice age with its rocks, is the place where this exhibition of mine has to be made. The timing of the exhibition, the end of May and the beginning of summer, is the time when ice was preserved for warmer times and the future. The timing at the beginning of the warm season creates a contrast that emphasizes the importance of ice and sparks a discussion about its preservation and protection.