Vernissage on Tuesday June 27th from 5-7 PM. Warm welcome!
In his ceramic sculptures Sami Rinne depicts the joys and sorrows in the lives of the unicorns. For Rinne unicorns are real. They even have a sense of imagination.
Sami Rinne describes the roots of his exhibition: " Unicorn is a well-known theme in several cultures around the world. In Britain the white unicorn has been depicted in tapestries for example. I was affected by the Raffaello painting Portrait of Young Woman with Unicorn in Galleria Borghese in Rome. I first made a unicorn themed china set and later also unicorn sculptures."
Sami Rinne is a Finnish ceramic artist and a designer. He has worked with ceramic art and ceramic design for over three decades. He designs and makes all his works by hand. His ceramic art in infused with historical elements and themes from fairy tales.