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Elina Autio, Leenakaisu Hattunen, Kaarina Ormio and Kirsti Rautasalo

Sivuhuomioita, book art

October 27, 2021
November 13, 2021

Sivuhuomioita - Pages and Side notes is an exhibition of Book Art by Elina Autio, Leenakaisu Hattunen, Kaarina Ormio and Kirsti Rautasalo.

One can enjoy a book for its world and the memories that hide behind its texts. One can also like it for its smell, its feel or the illustrations. Sometimes the world of the book meets the feeling of the book. The artists in this exhibition all enjoy books, some for the text, some for the feel of them, even the smell of them.

This exhibition is one part of work done by cultural association Lila ry.